Tuesday, April 17, 2007

feeling crappy with cigarettes

i feel like dog ass.

i actually don't know how a dog's ass feels like but i can imagine this is how i would feel if i was actually in a dog's asshole.

it's been raining out for too long, i almost don't remember that it's supposed to be spring time. i'm at a loss: tired, burnt out from school, sick with what feels like the flu, a long night of drinking ahead and school work that i don't know how exactly i am going to finish before the end of the semester.

imus should not have been fired - black people and white people both need to change. an open mind, not power hungry, slobs like al sharpton and jesse jackson, (reverends of propoganda if you ask me) will spur change. the way people think, the way they interact, they were they treat each other and how they treat themselves all tie into this. oh yea, i heard from the reverends already but why haven't any women's rights groups said anything about the "hoe" in "nappy headed hos"

getting up tomorrow will be miserable especially when i feel like this - i'll probably step in a puddle in front of jogues and have to walk through the day with a wet sock - i'll get back, shoe will probably smell like a wet dog with diareah and i'll be in the same predicament as i am right now.

maybe i'll get lucky tonight, who knows but for now, it's time for a cigarette.

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